

BGP services that respond to a peering request

Property Name Type Description Required
messages array of BgpMessage Yes


Property Name Type Description Required
asn integer
bgp_identifer string
error_code string
error_subcode string
hold_time integer
length integer Yes
marker string
type string Yes
version integer

↑ TopSearch Queries
SearchBGP services that successfully peered with the Shodan crawlers
shodan.module:bgp bgp open -error

↑ TopExample
    "messages": [
            "asn": 23456,
            "bgp_identifier": "",
            "hold_time": 90,
            "length": 37,
            "type": "OPEN",
            "version": 4
            "error_code": "Cease",
            "error_subcode": "Connection Rejected",
            "length": 21,
            "type": "NOTIFICATION"