

Property Name Type Description Required
auth_required boolean
client_id integer
client_ip string
cluster string
connect_urls array of string
connection_id string
git_commit string
go string
headers boolean
host string Yes
ip string
jetstream boolean
leafnode_urls array of string
lnoc boolean
max_payload integer
nonce string
port integer Yes
proto integer
server_id string
server_name string
tls_required boolean
tls_verify boolean
version string Yes
xkey string

↑ TopExample
  "server_name": "ns01",
  "version": "2.10.7",
  "proto": 1,
  "git_commit": "fa8464d",
  "go": "go1.21.5",
  "host": "",
  "port": 4222,
  "headers": true,
  "auth_required": true,
  "tls_required": true,
  "tls_verify": true,
  "max_payload": 1048576,
  "jetstream": true,
  "client_id": 9751428,
  "client_ip": "",
  "nonce": "C_r5aDLL1KPbm0c",
  "cluster": "cl-tlm-qv2ibm8t",
  "connect_urls": ["", ""],